PCS Example #7

Cylinder - Circle - Point


In this exercise we will utilize a cylinder to provide the primary datum and the pierce point from the cylinder as the origin. The alignment will be supplied through a circle and the previous cylinder. Finally a 1D point will complete the part coordinate system by providing the last component of the origin. The following example assumes the part is placed on your CMM where the cylinder of the GeoWidget is pointing in the -X direction.

Exercise_7a.jpg (9666 bytes) Exercise_5b.jpg (9482 bytes)

figure 1, Datum target layout

figure 2, Completed PCS

Practice Steps

Step 1

Select Cylinder <c>, if auto-direction is not activated, you will be prompted for the cylinder type ID, OD, IR, or OR, choose ID. Capture the six data points identified as A-ID/6, see figure 1.

Step 2

Select Orient <j>. The orient command will create the primary datum on the axis of the cylinder that is most parallel to the machine coordinate system. In your PCS Setup Guide, the Z Axis will be signed off.

Step 3

Select Origin <l>. This will establish the origin reported as the pierce point of the cylinder. In this example, the cylinder pierces the XY base plane and the origin command will prompt you whether or not to set the origin on the X and/or the Y. Answer yes to establish the XY origin.

Step 4

Select Circle <z>, if auto-direction is not activated, you will be prompted for the Circle type ID, OD, IR, or OR, choose ID. Capture the four data points identified as B-ID/4, see figure 1.

Step 5

Select Align <k>. Your ICS will update to include the secondary datum which is derived from the XY circle and the previous XY pierce point from the cylinder.

Step 6

Select -Z Point <2>. The final component missing for your complete PCS is the Z origin. You will then be prompted to "Measure -Z Point". Capture point C-1.

Final Inspection Report

When using a through bore as the primary datum, we must be careful that the data point spread is sufficient to allow for a stable feature.

Exercise_7c.jpg (61921 bytes)

figure 3, Final Inspection Report

In this example we would place an extension on the stylus to allow for a greater reach into the cylinder.