Stylus Edit Control




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The Stylus Edit Control provides access to the stored data that defines the stylus calibration. This data includes the label, diameter and XYZ position for each qualified stylus. Care should be taken when using this tool which, if used incorrectly, will lead to erroneous measurement data.

When a stylus is qualified, the XYZ machine coordinates and the diameter of the stylus sphere are stored. Stylus number 1 becomes the master position and all other styli are referenced to that position. This allows interchangeability within the measurement process when several styli are used.

The Stylus Edit Control provides a tool to change the diameter and the XYZ center coordinates for any qualified stylus only when an offset, or bias, has been determined. For example, qualify the same stylus twice against the reference sphere and you will see a variance in both size and location. This is a result of the inherent inaccuracies within the complete measuring system. The CMM and the probe introduce a small error when calculating the solution, and the operator as well can capture data points at various speeds, producing data point variations. This alone can cause deviations of as much as 0.0002".


To activate the Stylus Edit Control, select from the pull-down menus [Stylus Edit Control], see figure 1. The tool will display all current qualified styli.

figure 1, Stylus Edit Control

To edit a selected stylus, select the stylus by left clicking on the entry in the list, see figure 2. When the selection has been made, a button labeled <Edit> will show.

figure 2, Select a stylus

Press the <Edit> button to change the label, size or position values, see figure 3.

figure 3, Edit Values

There are two methods to change the position values for the Stylus. The first method is a direct Machine Coordinate Value XYZ position. This is shown to the right of the label "Stylus MCS Position". The second option is to apply a relative offset value to the MCS position.

To make a relative change, enter the desired value of the change. For example, if the stylus tip #2 measures the location of a sphere consistently at X=0.0005, Y= -0.0002, Z=0.0003 relative to the same sphere measured with stylus tip #1, you can apply a correction factor to bring Stylus Tip #2 in-line with Stylus Tip #1. Enter X=-0.0005, Y=0.0002, Z=-0.0003 in the "Relative Position Adjustment" controls. Apply the change by pressing <Apply Rel. Adjustment>.

When you have finished, press the <Update> button to make the changes, or <Cancel Changes> to return to the list without saving the changes.

To update the stylus database, save your changes by pressing the <Ok>. To cancel all changes made, press the <Cancel> button.

Stylus Manager, Qualifying a Stylus, Re-Qualifying a Stylus, Choosing a Stylus, Deleting a Stylus, Stylus db Manager, Ring Gage Stylus Resize, Measuring with Multiple Styli