Report Configuration



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System Options

The Report Configuration page controls the Printed Report attributes and is a global setting.

Company Information

This data entry field is where you would put your company name. This is printed on the top line of the header block on all printed pages.

Background Shaded Bars

During the printing of the inspection report, Geomet shades the column header and on the Concise Report format, shades every other line. Some printers do not reproduce a smooth light gray that makes the readability difficult. Use this setting to control whether to use shaded bars or not.

Print Lines

During the printing of the inspection report, Geomet inserts a line after every feature to assist in reading the reports. Use this setting to control whether to use separator lines or not.

Out-of-Tolerance WaterMark

The Geomet Report Generator can place a user-defined text in the report when an Out-of-Tolerance (OOT) condition is reported. This OOT text statement is printed in a light gray and behind the reported features. The purpose is to provide a bold visual indicator on the printed report when an OOT condition exists.

figure 2, OOT Watermark

By placing a check next to Use OOT WaterMark, the Report Generator will insert the watermark into all printed reports for inspections that have an OOT condition. You can substitute the default OOT message by changing the text in the control provided. The Report Generator will truncate the message to 25 characters.

Print Report Summary

On the last page of a printed inspection report is a summary of totals for all features that have a tolerance applied. The reported summary is broken down into:

  • Total Tested: A total count of all toleranced features.
  • Accepted: All features that are within the tolerance limits.
  • OOT: Total features that exceed the tolerance limits.

When Process Control Tolerance is active, the summary reports the total count within each zone, see Process Control Tolerance in Chapter 6 for additional details. To omit this summary line from being printed, uncheck the option Print Report Summary.

figure 3, Report Summary

Deviation from Nominal Report Method

This selection controls what reporting method will be used in the Deviation from Tolerance column on the printed reports.

Values. The Deviation from Nominal is always reported in numerical form, see figure 4.

Tol Bar Graphs. The printed deviation is shown as a small scalable graph showing the direction and magnitude of the deviation, see figure 5.

Under the Deviation from Tolerance column, there are two bar graphs. The graphs will always be shown, unless a Out-of-Tolerance condition exists as it exists for the Y component.

"+ - " Symbols. The printed deviation is represented by a series of Plus "+" or Minus "-" symbols. The direction of the deviation is represented by the symbol and the magnitude is represented by the number of symbols where each symbol is 25% of the tolerance band., see figure 6.

The X component has a single Minus "-" symbol which represents the deviation is in the range 0.0 to -0.00125. Each symbol would represent 0.005 / 4. The symbols will always be shown, unless a Out-of-Tolerance condition exists as it exists for the Y component.

figure 4, Values

figure 5, Graphs

figure 6, Symbols

PE and SPC Tag Symbols

When applying features tags to attributes within a feature, Geomet places a symbol to the left of the attribute that provides a visual indicator of the tag. The default symbols are:

• = Print Exception Tag
§ = SPC Export Tag

You can change these symbols to any symbol or alphanumeric text up to 3 characters wide.

figure 7, default Tags figure 8, Custom Tags

To assign you own tags, enter the new tag in the PE or SPC edit control. To reset the symbols to the defaults, press <Reset PE> or <Reset SPC>.

figure 9, Custom Tag Settings

Applying your Selections

When finished making all your selections, press the <Apply> button and close the System Options by pressing the <Ok> button.

System Options, Out-of-Tolerance Flash Message, Process Control Tolerance