Labeling a Stylus





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Labeling an individual stylus is helpful in identifying it's unique characteristics. In Geomet, when a new stylus is qualified, and by default, is given the next available tip number. This is not very helpful in describing the characteristic of the stylus. For example, the tip may be the "left tip" on a stylus cluster.


To attach a label on a single stylus, two methods can be employed. The first involves the standard Windows interface where you highlight the desired tip by left-clicking once on the stylus under the Label column header, see figure 1. Then  left-click on the stylus again, and  when Windows acknowledges the second left-click, an edit box surrounds the current label and you can type directly into the Stylus Manager list, see figure 2.

Label1.jpg (26102 bytes)

Label2.jpg (25986 bytes)

figure 1, Highlighted Stylus

figure 2, Active Edit in Progress

Should Windows not provide the edit process, you can activate the label edit tool by selecting the stylus as described above and press the < l >, lowercase L, key on the keyboard. Another method to start the edit process is to highlight the stylus and press the <End Label> button. This will start the edit process for that selected stylus. To complete the labeling process, press the <Enter> key on the keyboard, or highlight another stylus.