EZ Launch—Fixture Definition

7.01.183  Geomet 101+, 301, 501 
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  The EZ Launch Menu System is a hybrid system designed for the production environment. It wraps traditional one touch support to access inspection files and full unattended automation in one clean package.

The EZ Launch system has three components, two for manual operations plus one for configuring a polling service. It has been designed around a multiple fixture environment and when available, interfaces with a robot loading system for unattended operations.
  Activating the Fixture Menu System
Activating the Fixture Menu system is accomplished in the System Options. The  under the heading "System Settings" there is an entry titled; "Use EZ Launch menu system" to Yes, see example at right.

When EZ Launch Menus are active, Geomet will display the EZ Launch Menus when starting, at the completion of an inspection or after a restart.

NOTE: Geomet offers two competing menu systems. Fast Access and EZ Launch. Both can not be active at the same time. When activating a menu system in System Options tests are made to ensure that only one is active.
EZ Launch / System Options
  Support for Fixtures
  A Fixture can be a simple clamping device for a single production part or a multiple position cradle fixture that supports many production parts simultaneously. EZ Launch defines a Fixture System as having a Fixture Definition and Cradles where cradles are mounted to the Fixture definition with support for up to 200 cradles.

For example you may have 4 cradles mounted on a single base plate (Fixture Definition) which then gets placed on the CMM.
  Accessing the EZ Launch Fixture Definitions
From the Geomet menu, locate the GeoPlus© drop down menu. Defining a Fixture Definition starts with:

[EZ Launch menu Tools→EZ Launch Menu Setup Tool]

This is your starting point to building the EZ Launch System.
Menu for Fixture Definitions
  Append Tools—Standard Menus and Q-DAS Menus
  The EZ Launch Menu System has two modes of operations. For most applications, Standard Menu provides a necessary tools and access to inspection programs and fixture definitions.

Q-DAS is a special multi-page menu that is designed to provide a structured path the operator follows to build the necessary Q-DAS K-Field definitions. Q-DAS is the industry standard SPC system used by most car manufacturers throughout the world.
  Q-DAS Menu Structure
  Creating a standard Fixture Definition
After choosing [EZ Launch Menu Setup Tool], you will see a listing of existing Fixture Definitions plus the tools to define a new or edit an existing fixture system.

This tool provides basic information to define the layout of your fixture system.

It is based on a row / column concept but can be customized to adapt to almost any layout design.
Menu for Fixture Definitions
To build a new Fixture Definition, enter the values for rows and columns. The valid range for Rows and Columns is test not to exceed 200. The formula is Rows x Columns <= 200.

Assign a descriptive label to identify this new Fixture Definition. If you do not enter a description, Geomet will automatically add “FCS Definition Record Number X” where X will be the next available number. To save the new Fixture Definition, press <Std. Menu> .

Here we added a new definition using 4 for both rows and columns. and providing the name:
"New FCS menu".
Creating a new FCS menu
  Tools Available—No Selection
  When there are no existing Fixture Definitions selected in the listing, you have access to:
  • Global Names
  • Delete All
Global Names: There are control buttons available in the Cradle Definition page that you can rename. By using the Global Names command, all new Fixture / Cradle Definitions will use the names you have provided here over the default names. A more detailed discussion of control names are provided on the Global Names page.

Delete All: This command will delete all existing Fixture Definitions stored in the database. A warning statement will appear to confirm your selection. All data records that define the base, define the cradles, file and FCS assignments are deleted in one operation.
  Tools Available—Fixture Definition is Selection
  When a Fixture Definition has been selected, additional tools become available:
  • Update
  • Cradle Def.
  • (un)Delete
  • Clear Cradles
  • Delete All
  • Global Names
  • Copy
Update: This command allows changes to Row and Column values as well as the Description Field for the selected Fixture Definition.

Cradle Def:
This command moves to the Cradle Definition tools associated with the selected Fixture Definition. When you build a new Fixture Definition, this is the next step in defining the complete fixture system.

This command will tag the selected Fixture Definition with the label <deleted> and renders it unavailable. It does not renumber the remaining Fixture Definition records. Any Fixture Definition that was the <deleted> tag attached to it can be un-deleted using the same process.

Clear Cradles:
This command will delete all Cradle records attached to the selected Fixture Definition record. This is helpful when you copy a Fixture Definition record and you would like to clear out all cradle data before building a new system.

Delete All: This command will delete all existing Fixture Definitions stored in the database. A warning statement will appear to confirm your selection. All data records that define the base, define the cradles, file and FCS assignments are deleted in one operation.

Global Names: There are control buttons available in the Cradle Definition page that you can rename. By using the Global Names command, all new Fixture / Cradle Definitions will use the names you have provided here over the default names. A more detailed discussion of control names are provided on the Global Names page.

Copy: This command makes a exact copy of the selected Fixture Definition.
  Tips on Fixture Base Definitions
Although this system starts with a row and column layout, it can be customized to more closely match your exact needs. For example, if you have a fixture that has 12 cradles in a 4-2-2-4 pattern, you would start by building a 4x4, row/column Fixture Definition.

Later in Cradle Definitions, you can Disable two cradles which eliminates them from the the EZ Launch fixture system effectively making a 4-2-2-4 fixture system.
12 Cradle Menu
  What's Next?
  Creating the Fixture Definition is the first step in creating a customized menu. The next step involves the editing of the buttons the Inspector will use to facilitate an inspection program.

By pressing the <Cradle Def.> button you will advance to the Cradle Definition Setup Page.