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Re-Qualify with Friction Probe Heads
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7.01.029 Geomet Junior+, 101, 101+, 301, 501 
      pre-version 7.01
  One limitation of using a friction style probe head is that you can not return to the same articulated position with any degree of accuracy. Geomet allows the various positions of the probe head to be used in the part program without establishing new coordinate systems for every qualified stylus. This can be accomplished by following these basic steps.
  Step 1
Assuming we are starting with no current stylus qualified, we will qualify the first position for your inspection using the Stylus Manager as defined in Qualifying a Stylus. This will become Stylus Number 1 in your Probe and Sensor Database. Stylus Manager
  Step 2
Highlight Stylus 1 by highlighting it with a left-click. Actiavte the Stylus Manager Sub-Menu by right-clicking. Choose [Duplicate Stylus] from the Sub-Menu.

This new Stylus becomes your working Stylus for all inspections.
Stylus Manager Duplicate Stylus
  Performing a Inspection
  Start your inspection with Stylus Number 2 as the active stylus. Do not start your inspection with Stylus Number 1. Proceed measuring features until it is required to articulate the probe position. Reposition the probe and perform a re-qualify, <Ctrl + w>, on the current stylus number 2. You will be prompted to capture data points on the reference sphere. Once this operation has been completed, you can return to inspecting new features without any loss of position. This re-qualify step becomes part of your part inspection and during a program run, you will be prompted automatically.

This can be done to Stylus Number 2 as many times as required to compete your inspection. Since Stylus Number 1 was not changed, all styli starting with number 2 and beyond can be used and re-qualified many times.

Note: This process can also be used when it is necessary to change styli on the probe head. For example, you are required to install a stylus with an extension, or install a small diameter stylus for use on selected features in your inspection.
  When you want to rotate the probe head, or change the stylus to another size, press the space bar which will "Disable" the probe preventing data points from entering Geomet. When you have completed the change, press the space bar again and your probe will enable.
  Should you have moved Stylus Number 1 and performed a re-qualify on it, all known locations would have moved. This includes established Part Coordinate Systems. The Stylus Database retains the reference sphere location in the MCS based on stylus number 1. All Part Coordinate Systems also are referenced to the MCS. Moving stylus number 1 will cause PCSs to move.

Care should be taken when performing a Re-Qualification using a manual CMM. The qualification process relies on the XYZ offset from the CMM Home position for location of the reference sphere. That position is assigned to stylus number 1. When you qualify the first stylus, Geomet retains the location based on the center of the reference sphere in the Machine Coordinate System (MCS). The MCS has an origin point (X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0) that has been established either as the power on position for manual CMMs or the Home position for DCC CMMs. It is possible to have an established Home position on some manual CMMs that has that option installed.

Additionally, Re-Qualification assumes the reference sphere has not been moved. If the reference sphere has been moved, the Geomet function [Recover→Ref Sphere] should be done
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