
Origin Translation

Command Activation

; PCS→Translate TranslateToolbar.jpg (11892 bytes)
Keyboard Main Menu Toolbar


Translate permits an existing PCS origin to be shifted by nominal amounts in all three directions. Translation creates a new complete PCS whose axes are parallel to those of the preceding PCS but shifted by the input values.

Geomet offers two methods to perform a PCS Origin Translation. The first method uses values to translate the current origin which are entered by the operator. To use this method, place a bullet next to the "Enter Values" entry in the Translation Source group box, see figure 1.

To translate specific values, we will use the example shown in figure 2,  PCS 1 is shifted in two directions, XY by the nominal values of 1.375 for X and -0.75 for Y that has been entered into the Translate Input Dialog. Upon completion, a new PCS 2 is established.

Translate1.jpg (10820 bytes) Translate2.jpg (8469 bytes)
Figure 1, Translate Input Dialog figure 2, Translate Example

In the next method, we can obtain a feature specific value such as the radius of the previously measured circle. Qualifying features include Circle, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere. When you place a bullet next to "Use Last Feature", Geomet will show the radius value in the Translation Source box under "Use Last Feature", see figure 1.

The ( - ) and ( + ) column will become active next to the data fields. You can then check the appropriate directions you wish to translate in. Should you not want to translate in any active axis, leave the check marks unchecked.

An example would be when the origin is called out on a tangent point of a circle. After you have established the Orient and Align Axis, measure the circle and place the origin in the center. Then perform a PCS Translate using the last feature option. Select the appropriate direction under the ( - ) and ( + ) columns. After accepting the translation, the new origin will be on the tangent point of the circle.

Both methods will create a new PCS. To summarize the methods, when "Enter Values" is selected, the values entered by the operator are considered absolute and will carry forward with each successive inspection run. Selecting "Use Last Feature" the translation values will recalculate with each inspection run and are considered dynamic to the current inspection run.

See Also: Edit an Existing Translation Feature