4-Point Intersect

Command Activation

. Measure→4 Point Intersect
Keyboard Main Menu


The 4 Point Intersect routine is used to measure the included angle and 2D location of corners and edges formed by the intersection of two planes both of which must be perpendicular to one PCS base plane. If this condition is not met the results will be erroneous.

DirSel.jpg (9043 bytes)
figure 1,
Select Probe Direction

To measure corners or edges press the 4 Point Intersect key < . >, choose the first probing direction, see figure 1. Should Auto-Direction be turned on, the selection process for probing direction will be skipped and Geomet will proceed directly to the capture data point phase.

Once the direction for the first pair of data points has been chosen, Geomet will prompt you to "Select Next Probe Direction". Choose the probing direction for the next pair of data points.

Geomet will prompt to capture the first pair of data points:

4 Point Intersect, Probe -X [1 of 4]

When Auto-Direction is active, the prompt will show:

4 Point Intersect, Probe Auto-Dir [1 of 4]

Capture the data points following the prompted direction. Upon completion of the capturing 4 data points, Geomet will solve for the 2D location and included angle between the two line, see figure 2.

4PtInt.jpg (17807 bytes)
figure 2, 4 Point Intersect

In the example shown, the 4 Point Intersect uses two points captured in the -X direction, P1 and P2. Followed by capturing two +Y data points, d3 and d4,  to form the corner intersect point.


Tolerance of a 4 Point Intersect feature is available in Cartesian, Polar or RFS Positional Tolerance formats.

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Recall Options

A 4-Point Intersect feature can be recalled as a 2D Point for use in constructions or as a PCS component. When recalling a 4-Point Intersect, a selection dialog will be displayed that allows to to choose:

Figure 3, Recall Options

Recall the 4-Point Intersect as a 4-Point Intersect feature.

Recall the 4-Point Intersect extracting only the 2D reported position as a 2D Point.

Abort the recall operation.

NOTE: Recalling a 4-Point Intersect into a different PCS than it was originally measured or constructed in will result in a new projection into the defined PCS base plane. Care should be taken to prevent unexpected projection errors.