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CAD Graphics Display Point Style
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  Points displayed in the CAD Graphics can be set to display as traditional vertices or as unique symbols.
  PCS Axis Style
Geomet CAD Graphics supports two styles of Point styles. These styles are a user preference and can be set as a global setting in System Options.

Launch the System Options tool by pressing the <F9> key. Enter "points" in the Quick Search data field. Locate the entry "Draw 1D/2D/3D Points as Symbols".
System Options, Point Display
To change the Points between Vertices and symbols  left-clicking on the entry line. A popup tool will appear and by left-clicking on the Yes followed by the <Ok> button, the Points will be displayed as symbols in CAD Graphics. PCS Axis dislpay setting
When Symbols = No, there are no differentiating identity between 1D, 2D and 3D Points. Point style vertices
When Symbols = Yes, you can clearly see the different points and in the case of 1D Points, the direction.

1D Point 1D Point. The arrow direction represents the probe direction such as -Z Point.
2D Point 2D Points. Symbol is projected into the PCS Base Plane.
3D Point 3D Points. Vertices with a shaded sphere in the actual PCS position.
Point style, symbols