Cone Drop Ball Test

Command Activation


The Cone Drop Ball Test is used to place a test ball in a cone and calculate the diameter and position where the ball intersects with the cone.

When you have measured the cone, the right click on the cone in the inspection report to activate the sub menu. From the submenu commands, choose [Cone Drop Test]. This will activate the Cone Drop Ball Tool, see figure 1.

Enter the radius of the ball that will be dropped into the open end of the cone.
figure 1, Drop Ball Tool
figure 2, Graphic Results


In the example shown in figure 2, The test ball is shown fitted into the open end of the cone. This diameter where the test ball touches the cone and it's XYZ position can have a tolerance applied to it and be used in constructions.
figure 3, Reported Cone Diameter

By default the results of the calculation is the XYZ position of the center point of the ball and its diameter on the cone where it makes contact. The reported position can be switched to the top of the ball by right clicking on the Drop Test record and from the sub menu choose [Switch Top ↔ Center Reporting].