Slot / Web

Command Activation

, Measure→Slot / Web
Keyboard Main Menu


Slots and Webs consist of hollow or solid spaces between parallel planes. The Slot / Web routine is only capable of measuring slots and webs whose boundary planes are parallel to PCS base planes. The Slot / Web routine determines the width of the feature and its center location in either X, Y or Z direction relative to the current PCS Origin.

DirSel.jpg (9043 bytes)
figure 1,
First Point Direction

To measure a Slot or Web, press the < , > key. Geomet will respond with the direction selector, see figure 1, unless Auto-Direction is active. Choose the appropriate probe direction. The Slot / Web feature will automatically reverse the probe direction for the second point at the time of capturing the data points. For example, if you request a -X direction, that will become the required probing direction for the first point. The second point will then be captured in the +X direction.

SlotWeb.jpg (13106 bytes)
figure 2, Slot / Web

In the example shown in figure 2, we will take a -X data point inside the slot followed by a +X data point opposite the first data point. Geomet will calculate the width and centerline of the slot and project the centerline to the PCS X Axis.

NOTE: If Auto-Direction is turned on it is possible to measure 2 data points in the same direction such as a step. For example, establish a PCS by choosing ICS→PCS followed by a -Z point on the surface plate and set the Z origin. Place a 1.000" gage block on the surface plate and measure a Slot / Web with Auto-Direction turned on. Take a data point on the surface plate followed by a data point on the top surface. The reported values will show the Width as 1.000" and the Z mid-point at 0.500".

It is important to note that slots and webs that are not parallel to the PCS base planes will report erroneous data and should not be attempted.


Tolerance of Slot/Web is available only in Cartesian / Linear format.

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Recall Options

A Slot/Web feature can be recalled as a 1D Point for use in constructions or as a PCS component. When recalling a Slot/Web, a selection dialog will be displayed that allows to to choose:

Figure 3, Recall Selection Message.

Recall the Slot/Web as a standard Slot/Web feature.

Recall the Slot/Web extracting only the 1D reported position as a 1D Point.

Abort the recall operation.

NOTE: Recalling a Slot/Web into a different PCS than it was originally measured or constructed in will result in a new projection into the defined PCS base plane. Care should be taken to prevent unexpected projection errors.